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Nutrition Quotes That Will Change The Way You Think
Paul Rabic Paul Rabic

Nutrition Quotes That Will Change The Way You Think

This is a collection of nutrition/health quotes. There is no pattern, theme, flow from one to the next, or significance to the order. The only common thing is that they will make you think about health in a new light.

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How To Stay Motivated When Trying To Lose Weight
Paul Rabic Paul Rabic

How To Stay Motivated When Trying To Lose Weight

Most find that the hardest part of losing weight is motivation. People start with impressive goals and are excited, but after weeks of exercise and lifestyle changes, they lose motivation and slip back into their bad habits. This is especially true for people trying to lose a lot of weight or when they don’t feel like they’re making any progress. Here are the best strategies to stay focused.

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What Carbs Are Good Carbs?
Paul Rabic Paul Rabic

What Carbs Are Good Carbs?

Carbs are our primary energy source and eating the right kinds can optimize your performance.

The heart of this discussion lies in the distinction between whole, nutrient-dense carbohydrates and their more processed counterparts.

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You Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet
Paul Rabic Paul Rabic

You Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet

Ever wondered why you can’t out train a bad diet? Well here you go. I break it down for you simply to shift your perspective and how you think about your nutrition.

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How To Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time
Paul Rabic Paul Rabic

How To Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time

How To Build Muscle and Lose Fat At The Same Time

  1. Recognize that training is the driving force. 2. Decide on a primary goal (build muscle or lose fat) 3. Center Calories around maintenance 4. Set up macro targets (start with protein) 5. Pay attention to details (sleep, supplements, nutrition)

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Frequently Asked Nutrition Questions
Paul Rabic Paul Rabic

Frequently Asked Nutrition Questions

As a personal trainer, I am asked every nutrition question possible. While I am not a registered dietician, I answer these questions based on the success that I have had with my clients and myself. I dive into controversial topics like fasting, carbs, and what you should be doing daily to better your health.

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