What Carbs Are Good Carbs?

This article is the 6th of an 8-part series! I sent this information out to all of my Transformation Challenge Participants. Click the link if you want to learn more about it or participate in the next one! Cash prizes for the winners!

After 5th article, I received the question “If low carbs is not the answer, what carbs are good?” So let’s talk about the positive impact that the right types of carbohydrates can have on maximizing both mental acuity and physical prowess.


Carbs are our primary energy source and eating the right kinds can optimize your performance.

The heart of this discussion lies in the distinction between whole, nutrient-dense carbohydrates and their more processed counterparts.

Whole foods such as fruit, oats, quinoa, sweet potatoes, and beans offer a wealth of essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which not only provide sustained energy but also support cognitive function and overall well-being.

The sustained energy from these nutrient-packed carbohydrates fuels your productivity, keeping you sharp and focused during important meetings and creative endeavors. The fiber content aids in digestion, promoting gut health and reducing the midday slump that often accompanies processed low-fiber meals.

Transitioning from work to the gym, the benefits of nutrient-dense carbohydrates continue to shine. The steady stream of energy fuels your performance during demanding workouts. The vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients allow for more efficient muscle recovery and repair, laying the foundation for strength gains and improved athletic performance.

In short, if you're going to eat carbs, getting most of them from whole, nutrient-dense sources is a great idea!

I hope you found this cheat sheet helpful! Screenshot it and save it for yourself.

If you’re sick of dieting gimmicks and ready to embrace a sustainable strategy that empowers you to thrive in every aspect of life, reach out.

Stay tuned for the next article in this series!

Paul Rabic


How To Stay Motivated When Trying To Lose Weight


Low Carb Diet Is Not The Answer