High Performance Grocery List

If you’re reading this and haven’t read my High Performance Foods post yet. Do that first. This is where I explain in detail what high-performance foods are and list more foods in each of the four categories, (protein, veggies, fruits, starches).

Now it’s time to take action and stock your pantry and fridge for success. The easiest way to stop eating junk food is to not ever have access to it. Stop buying unhealthy food and find the healthy staples that you buy every week.

Shopping for staples can be difficult at first but once you know what to look for it’s the easiest thing in the world.

Below is a shopping list of my top 6 foods from each of the 4 categories. To see what the actual top 6 are, check out my first post which is linked above. I used to save this list in my phone and repeat it each week, but now I have it memorized, subbing out 1-2 items just for some variety.

Shopping List:

  1. Chicken Breast – Buy enough for multiple meals, considering different cooking methods (e.g., grilled, baked, etc).

  2. Salmon – Fresh or frozen, depending on preference. Tuna is more protein-packed but I love making salmon bowls.

  3. Eggs + Egg Whites – Large carton of liquid egg whites to add to scrambled eggs for extra protein.

  4. Ground Turkey – Ground turkey for tacos but you can also do deli slices for sandwiches, or a whole breast for roasting.

  5. Beef – Shrimp is fewer calories per gram of protein but I chose get beef chunks for beef stew or steak for steak night.

  6. Whey Protein – One large tub. I buy this from 1st Phorm every month but I have a shake every day.

  7. Cucumbers – Cucumbers for salads and snacking. I like putting pink Himalayan salt on it after a tough workout for natural electrolytes.

  8. Lettuce – A mix of types for variety in salads. I also get spinach.

  9. Celery – One or two bunches. I use these in the pressure cooker for beef stew or chicken noodle soup.

  10. Carrots – A bag or bunch for salads and other pressure cooker dishes.

  11. Asparagus– A bunch or two for dinner sides.

  12. Broccoli – An easy side to cook and low in calories when you don’t use butter.

  13. Mandarins – A great snack. I pack two in my bag every day.

  14. Strawberries or Blueberries – One large container depending on the time of year.

  15. Avocados – Since I am maintaining weight, I eat these every day but if you’re trying to lose weight don’t eat them as frequently.

  16. Peaches or Plums - If in season.

  17. Papaya – Squeeze lime on your papaya and it’s amazing. Watermelon is a good alternative here.

  18. Apples – A bag or two because they don’t go bad.

  19. Brown Rice – Get a giant bag so you don’t have to buy this as frequently.

  20. Whole Wheat Bread – I love this for avocado toast or a breakfast sandwich.

  21. Whole Wheat Tortillas – These are great for tacos or chicken quesadillas.

  22. Sweet Potatoes – A bag for multiple uses (baked, mashed, etc.).

  23. Oatmeal – A large container of rolled or steel-cut oats. I also like the brand Mush which are individual portion of overnight oats.

  24. White Potato – A bag for multiple uses (baked, mashed, etc.).

This is what a standard grocery haul looks like for me and this is what it should look like for you too. Maybe you don’t buy as much fruit or as many starches but this is it. it’s not dieting, it’s not restricting, it’s just eating healthy. As you can also see everything is a whole food except for my protein powder.

Other things that I buy that don’t fall in the 4 categories are chicken broth, beef broth, seasoning, hot sauces, yogurts, cheese sticks, and protein bars. These are all great as well but they are ingredient foods and aren’t top lists of each category.

If you liked this article and interested in taking control of you eating habits, sign up for one of my transformation challenges, subscribe to my free newsletter, or send me a message for more personalized help.


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High Performance Foods